Hello dear visitor of this website <3
I am Isa, and you probably know me in any kind of way.
Then you also know that I have been studying fine arts for the last 4 years.

After all these years of creating, playing, learning, reflecting. I have grown a big collection of works, some displayed in my own house (that is almost becoming an Isa museum), and some are hanging or laying around in my family and friends homes.
This idea makes me very happy, and feels like the right thing.
These works don't belong all piled and stacked up in boxes or on shelves, they belong to you! To the people's homes! Where they will take a place, in between your furniture, in between your daily routines, and experiences.
Something to look at while contemplating sitting in you favorite chair.
Or something to see and dream with, the last minutes before you fall a sleep.

This means, and the means of this website is: selling my works!
Just before I will become super succesful and famous, I will give you the change to acquire a real Isa van Lier. ;)

The artworks that you can find on this website are works that are part of my much bigger learning process and I will sell them for a affordable friendly price.
By obtaining an art-piece you help me start my life as a real grown up and professional artist, making money with what I love most.
And it will help yóu to enrich your life with the wonderful realms of art.


Please all come to the
great graduation exhibiton
this september to see my work
in real life.
Buy me <3
Enrich your life with some art <3
Or use me as your illustrator/designer and ask me for a commissioned work <3
Make me happy <3